GRC: Flexible Processes. Actionable Data. Measurable Results.

Embed risk-informed decisions in your enterprise’s daily work. Connect the business, security, and IT with GRC. Manage risk and resilience in real time. GRC consolidates processes across your enterprise into a connected GRC program built on the NOW Platform.

This consolidation of your Policy, Compliance, Risk, and Audit functions help your business transform inefficient and manual GRC processes through automation, improved prioritization, and performance analytics.

Why Should I Worry?

As IT security becomes more robust, streamlining IT operations as a whole becomes more crucial than ever—especially as security threats continually evolve and pose unique, unanticipated threats.

Security threats grow and become more and more creative every day. It almost seems like there won’t ever be enough people in an IT security program to dodge every attack and prevent every security incident from occurring. A more robust team can help with the deployment of applications and help oversee the security during all phases of deployment in order to grow a team and put more hands on deck.